Comment from: Constantin Visitor
Olga, on a scale of 1 to 10 how relevant is his article nowadays ? I’d say.. 9.5 or may be even 9.8..
Many of the so-called virtues listed above are exactly what most women fall for and the fact that you’re a part of that 0.5 or 0.2 of women that fall for something other than what’s listed doesn’t mean he’s wrong ;)
all written above are just stereotipes that belong to a bigger and more profund phenomenon, most visible interpretation of it and this meen that they are true just in some cases. It is like belivieng that the stone is continuosly solid, but now, when quantum sciencies have been evolved, we know that the stone is about 99.999..% of nothing! It is just space between the nucleus and electrons. The stone seems solid as a consequence of the fast movement of electrons.
In other words, all above is true if you will agree that men (including you) want only sex,are selfish, mean , stupid, fat, dirty, are only into sports, money, chicks with big boobs, pc games, porn, …. But will you agree? I don’t thick so. ‘Cause you’re not like this. Are we freaks or what? Knowing a lot of good people, i could say that we are placed almost on the top of Gaussian.
The reason you written this doesn’t exclude the fact they are true in some cases. As a woman, i can explain them. ;)
Historicaly, we had better chance to survive if we have a good man in that time meening a strong, powerfull man, with lidership capabilities, far away from being a sweetheart.They would provide her and their future kids with food and protection. So instinctively, woman are atracted by brutes. BUT!
Being atracted do not equals to love such speciments. Women need love and protection but such men aren’t able to offer them, and a relationship with this guy will end up sooner or later. It dependens how smart is she, and from my experience, a fool woman will end up suffering from a brutale man. If she doesn’t can realises the diffenrence between a good a nd a bad man, it is your luck you are not longher toghever. Only people that think alike can live toghever happilly. Fools with fools, smart with smart. The only problem is to find a diamond in the mud :D Somethimes this is dissapoiting. But Gold fever made USA, so could you do your own happiness ;)
So rise your head and think happy! :D
the longest comment and a lot of mistakes :))
Comment from: cosanzeana Visitor
Ha ha ha… if only all of you knew that this bullet list really works. Most of s women have some king of strange masochistic way of loving to be loved. Most of the women who were raised in the ussr were taught by there parents that they don’t deserve to be loved by nice people. So this is why when one loves us nicely, respects us we think that he’s a jurk and get bored. As stupid as it sounds, this is the truth ;)
What would you expect - another suck ass to come and do everything that you say to him, like: “Darling, go kill yourself for me, please..”
Comment from: gr8dude Member
Dead readers, excuse me for omitting the “Warning: irony ahead” disclaimer, I thought this would be obvious.
Cosanzeana, it’s funny that you mention the USSR-factor. Check out the story called “Select++” (column on the right) - in that research I made precisely the same point, but there are many other interesting things there.
ceziceu, you’re right, not everyone is like that. Also “all generalizations are stupid” ;-)
What you wrote about this from the evolutionary perspective is also something I agree with, but as times change, only the females that can really understand which males are better for them will succeed in bringing up a healthy set of kids. The ones that fail to update their “decision-making” rules will end up abused, deceived and disappointed.
ahahahaaa… did you really took all of this for granted? :))
i can say that this bullet list, with little adaptation, can be easily renamed “What men really want” :)) isn’t that so? But i can not deny that all that stuff does really work… i have to confess that harming and hurting are a good way to m a n i p u l a t e someone.. the phenomenon of being manipulated involves yours dependence on the other person, a feeling that is often confused with love… :)
Dead Alex, we know it was irony, but why not to talk about it? ;)
Comment from: gr8dude Member
Hahahahahahaha!! woohoooooo! You’ve made my day! :-D One of the most relevant typos I’ve bumped into lately.
And I just realized that it was me who made that mistake in the first place. Hahahahahahahhaha.. aah..
I think this makes me a “good catch", for I can’t spell words correctly in my native language either.
Irka, you’re right. If I read a similar article about men, I’d quickly point out that it does not apply to all men.
I’m afraid I’m not qualified to write about men.
Your remark on manipulation gave me some food for thought. The article is not the result of being manipulated, at least that’s what I hope.
really happy i made you laugh :P
About Select++ , i read it, it’s very interesting and irka’s comment is pointed there ;)
Comment from: Ion Todirel Visitor
>Only a fool women can fall into this
can you estimate from the general population how many would fall into this? I would say many :)
Considering my experience with women, I tend to agree with the first comment ;-)
You’re judging like a physician about math stuff. Joke> “If a physician will start thincking about prime numbers, he’ll start counting from 1 to infinity and he will notice that 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19, 21, 23,… are prime numbers. But 9, 21, 27 and beyond are not . What he will conclude? 9.21.27 are just results of a fault measurement that don’t shatter the algorithm” ;)