Reading material
At times, the things I write turn into (relatively) larger projects. Each item in the list points to the project's page, where you can read more, and leave your comments.
Reverse engineering corruption - An essay that examines corruption and the elements behind it. Various solutions are proposed as well; the solutions tend to be different from the classical approaches society has chosen so far, and in my opinion - the new methods can have a positive impact. The essay summarizes all its ideas in a nice chart, you can print it, set it as a wallpaper, or wear a T-shirt with it... Tattoos could be a good idea too!
Control Zed - mic volum de poezii, cu ilustratii facute de mine. Poezii de dragoste? Dezamagire? Auto-analiza? Vezi singur... si incearca sa gasesti referintele ascunse in text.
Intelligence grows on trees - An attempt to understand what is intelligence and how it can be measured. The story does not pretend to be one's comprehensive guide to intelligence, it is just a set of thoughts laid down on paper and accompanied by nice pictures.
Select++ - O incercare de a analiza relatiile interpersonale, ce sta la baza lor, cum evolueaza acestea, si cum se sfirsesc. Studiul este bazat pe un sondaj efectuat in citeva institutii de invatamint din Chisinau; obiectivul sondajului a fost de a determina care sunt calitatile pe care le cauta o fata intr-un baiat, si cum ar trebui sa fie o relatie perfecta in viziunea unei fete.
The inevitable return of the finger - A short love story, based on events that took place in the real world.